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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

This forum related to following products: FlyTreeView for ASP.NET

FlyTreeView Images
Link Posted: 07-Sep-2005 23:46

Is it possible to use images other than those in the client-runtime path images and iconset folders.

We have a need to move these files out of this directory and into a different part of our file system, is this possible?


Link Posted: 08-Sep-2005 00:57
You may just try to set relative paths to the client runtime folder (using /../ syntax)
Or you may just move client runtime files to another folder. You'll be also required to change FlyTreeView.ClientRuntimePath property from the default one.
Link Posted: 08-Sep-2005 02:04
That's ok, but I want the client run-time to be in a different folder to the images and iconsets. Can this been done?


Link Posted: 08-Sep-2005 19:22
What about absolute paths?
Or try to use relative like:

Link Posted: 25-Oct-2005 03:00
I have notice that the relative path refer to the web application root directory and not to the web page including the treeview

Is it clear to understand ?