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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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Treeview with Master and witout postback
Link Posted: 29-Mar-2006 19:44

We are looking for a treeview navigation for a new asp.net 2.0 project.

The treeview is located om a master page. The treeview will have +- 200 nodes. So we need a scrollbar. No problems yet.

We are looking for a tree that will keep his view after the user clicked a link. Without postback.
The user can open nodes, close nodes, scroll the bar. After a time the user clicks a link to another page (same master). He expects to see the same treeview in the same state.

Is this possible? When implementing events, is that fast enough? Are the scollbars also implemented?
Link Posted: 30-Mar-2006 06:27
The FlyTreeView for ASP.NET 2.0 implements and uses viewstate technology to keep its states between postbacks. AFAIK single master page does not provide any method to transfer viewstate for selected control between page loads (no postback - no viewstate kept).
So I think the only method for you is to store somewhere (in parameters or session, or etc.) treeview scollbar positions and treeview selected and expanded nodes. This will let you to restore treeview layout between different pages load.