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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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node font display problem IE
Link Posted: 26-Sep-2006 00:59

I saw a new problem on IE. I am loading the first node expended on initialization. Texts of all nodes are bold on initialization. They come bold only in IE. After initialization if i expand the nodes new child nodes of them load thin normally. As you can see on the image some of nodes are bold and the other are thin.

This bold problem occurs only in IE. and occurs on most computers of our company but not all.

I removed all of the style sttings from my application and  tag to fix this problem the error stil occurs.

do you know the solution of the problem? I need your advices.
Link Posted: 26-Sep-2006 08:13
Do you use the FlyTreeView.FadeEffect property? It may cause such types of visual effects.
Link Posted: 26-Sep-2006 10:01
Also, do you use the ClearType?
Link Posted: 27-Sep-2006 19:39
you are rihgt. clearType property causes that error. when we set fadeEffect to false it is fixed. also after setting fade effect to false the expansions'  are more faster now.
