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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

This forum related to following products: FlyTreeView for ASP.NET

setTooltip, drag and drop on client-side
Link Posted: 25-Nov-2006 05:01

I'm trying to use the setTooltip client side function, but it does not seem to be working I'm getting a client script error. I'm using firebug to debug and it says that the setTooltip is not a function please can you advise. I'm using the eval assembly (ver.  from your website.

var newNode = new CFlyTreeNode();

Is there a way to disable the drag and drop if the user holds down the right mouse button?

Link Posted: 26-Nov-2006 19:52
1. Currently the FlyTreeView does not provide client-side setTooltip method.

2. You can always cancel drag-and-drop by handling OnDragStartJavascript client-side event. You need to return false to cancel it.

The only thing you need to accomplish is to check whether right-button is clicked.