Using the built-in $ images is a good way to utilize the packaging of embedded resource images in the FlyTreeView DLL, but if you want to specify ImageSet=\"Custom\" and ImageSetCustomPath to a directory containing files like chb0 and chb1, you cannot specify the urls individually.
The problem that presents is that I also want to embed my custom images in a web resource DLL, so that I don't have to worry about broken image paths. If I cannot specify the url to them with a webresource.axd file, I have no way to do that. I have no problem embedding the many ImageUrl's I use, because I can specify their paths and that I have done.
Is there some exotic way to do this that I missed in the documentation? The FlyTreeNodeStaticStyle which derives from FlyTreeNodeStyle does not have any properties that would allow me to specify indent, checkbox or radiobutton image URL's at either the tree level or the node level. Would you be thinking of exposing these properties in a future version? (and this is a reason why it would be worthwhile).
Thanks in advance...