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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

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How to rename a node & context menu issue
Link Posted: 23-Feb-2007 10:25

I need to rename a node. How should I do?

Is it possible, and I need to provide some information in context menu and that will execute some server side code(or event).

Waiting for your valuable response.

Link Posted: 23-Feb-2007 17:49
Do you mean the FlyTreeView for ASP.NET 2.0 control? Or 1.1 version?

It is quite possible. For ASP.NET 2.0 version you can use both server-side or client-side methods.

FlyTreeNode.Text for server-side
CFlyTreeNode.setText(newtext) for client-side

You should probably use the javascript within the context menu to rename the node. (if you require to do this client-side).