Took an hours playing, but have a solution: Once the nodes are populated call this procedure.
(in the page load event)
If Not IsPostBack Then
FileSystemNodes.Root_Folder = RootFolder
FileSystemNodes.AddNodes(FlyTreeView1.Nodes, String.Empty)
End If
Protected Sub SelectDefaultNode(ByVal aPath As String)
'walk down the tree examining each of the nodes
For Each aNode As FlyTreeNode In FlyTreeView1.Nodes
'if apath has a match in anode. text then we are assuming there is a match, select that node,
'expand it, and load the child nodes.
If aPath.IndexOf(aNode.Text) > -1 Then
'select the node
aNode.Selected = True
'expand it.
aNode.Expanded = True
'retrieve the child nodes, passing the child nodes of this node, and
'the full path.
FileSystemNodes.AddNodes(aNode.ChildNodes, aNode.Path)
'while there are child nodes, populate them
Do While aNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0
'reduce apath to the next entry to prevent duplicates
aPath = aPath.Substring(aPath.IndexOf("\"))
'just to show what's happening.
'MsgBox(aPath & " " & aNode.path & " " & aNode.ChildNodes.Count)
'examine each of the child nodes and look for a match.
For Each aChildNode As FlyTreeNode In aNode.ChildNodes
'if we have a match to the path, then select and expand that node.
'set anode to the current child node, and load the child nodes.
If aPath.IndexOf(aChildNode.Text) > -1 Then
aChildNode.Selected = True
aChildNode.Expanded = True
'update aNode to be the current child node.
aNode = aChildNode
'load the child nodes.
FileSystemNodes.AddNodes(aNode.ChildNodes, aNode.Path)
'no reason to examine any more of the path, we have a match.
Exit For
End If
'we are done examining the nodes.
Exit For
End If
'set foucs to the selected node.
FlyTreeView1.FocusNode = FlyTreeView1.SelectedNode
End Sub