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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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Populate node after Drop.
Link Posted: 11-Dec-2007 21:30
I amb using drag&drop to reorganize nodes in the treeview.
How can I force population to a node that is not expanded and is set to populate nodes in demand whe I drop a node into it?
Link Posted: 11-Dec-2007 22:59
See the following page:

And the OnDropJavascript section.

You need to handle this event, and add some code to the handler. Like this:

function MyDropJavascriptHandler()
    //  flytreeview_dragObject.value - is a dragged node
    // see http://www.9rays.net/asp.net_2/treeview/miscpages/doc/ClientObjects.aspx for additional client side functions