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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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Casting FlyHierarchyData ?
Link Posted: 19-Feb-2009 04:22
I have the following code:

protected void flyTreeView1_NodeDataBound( object sender, FlyTreeNodeEventArgs e)
       string s = e.Node.DataItem.GetType().ToString();

When I step thru this in debug  the value of s is
How shall I cast this to get at the data ?


Link Posted: 19-Feb-2009 04:28
You can cast like this:
object originalTabularDataItem = ((IHierarchyData)e.Node.DataItem).Item;
Link Posted: 19-Feb-2009 04:46
OK !  
I casted the object to a DataRowView and now I'm in business.

Now from the drop event I can re-order the data in the database
with an AJAX call.   Sweet.

Thanks for your fast reply.
