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Verification of Assemblies getting a lot of errors...
Link Posted: 30-Aug-2010 10:45
Hi! I tried

copy %SourceDir%%AsmFileNameWithoutExtension%.pdb %TargetDir%

If I try using AfterAssemblySign, I get nothing in the output that says anything and no PDB file.

If I try using AfterAssemblyGeneration or AfterProjectObfuscation I get no PDB file and the following error:

---- Start running AfterProjectGenerate event ----
The task copy couldn't start!
Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
Assembly: System, Type: System.Diagnostics.Process[0x020004e5], Method: Boolean StartWithCreateProcess(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo)[0x06002fd5], ILOffset:0x000003b8
Assembly: System, Type: System.Diagnostics.Process[0x020004e5], Method: Boolean Start()[0x06002fb0], ILOffset:0x0000003a
Assembly: NineRays.ILOMD, Type: 2.\u5\uf[0x020000db], Method: Boolean 2(System.String, System.String, 2.\u5\u13)[0x0600067a], ILOffset:0x00000181

Stack trace digest:
System; 0x06002fd5; 0x000003b8
System; 0x06002fb0; 0x0000003a
NineRays.ILOMD; 0x0600067a; 0x00000181

Command: AfterProjectGenerate [copy %SourceDir%%AsmFileNameWithoutExtension%.pdb %TargetDir%] args: []failed.
---- Finish running AfterProjectGenerate event ----

Am I supposed to set the Obfuscation Event Macro values somewhere?

Best regards,
Link Posted: 30-Aug-2010 11:21
Hi! Another note:

I've tried Spices.Net ( on the project where I was getting all the errors and it works perfectly now.

Thank you very much! It's very much appreciated that you acted on and resolved this so quickly.

NOTE: The previous post where I tried the macros in the obfuscation events was done with as well. I look forward to you helping me make this work. I really, really like this feature you added and think it will be 'very' useful.

Again, thank you very much!

Best regards,
Link Posted: 01-Sep-2010 15:38
We've fixed the problem with obfuscation events macros, please download the latest update, v5.4.0.45.
Sorry for delivered inconveniences.
Link Posted: 01-Sep-2010 15:54

I tried with the new version and this is what I'm gettting:

---- Start running AfterProjectGenerate event ----
The system cannot find the file specified.
Command: AfterProjectGenerate [copy %SourceDir%%AsmFileNameWithoutExtension%.pdb %TargetDir%] args: []failed.
---- Finish running AfterProjectGenerate event ----

Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Best regards,
Link Posted: 01-Sep-2010 16:07
Hi! I see from the chart you posted that I have to use AfterAssemblyGeneration or AfterAssemblySign to work with the obfuscation event macros in "copy %SourceDir%%AsmFileNameWithoutExtension%.pdb %TargetDir%".

Also, this project isn't signed, so the signing process is skipped and it doesn't show anything regardign the AfterAssemblySign event.

When I use AfterAssemblyGeneration event, I get it to run without any errors, but the PDB file still doesn't show up int the Spices_output directory.

Do you have any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?

Best regards,
Link Posted: 01-Sep-2010 16:21
Hi! I'm sorry, it's actually not working, the errors had passed by on the screen.

When I have this: {AfterAssemblyGeneration=copy %SourceDir%%AsmFileNameWithoutExtension%.pdb %TargetDir%}

This is the output:

---- Start running AfterAssemblyGenerate event ----
Exception:   Illegal characters in path.
Stack Trace:
Assembly: mscorlib, Type: System.IO.Path[0x020006c6], Method: Void CheckInvalidPathChars(System.String)[0x06003fdc], ILOffset:0x00000034
Assembly: mscorlib, Type: System.IO.Path[0x020006c6], Method: System.String GetDirectoryName(System.String)[0x06003fbf], ILOffset:0x00000003
Assembly: NineRays.Obfuscator, Type: NineRays.ILOMD.ILOMDProvider+\u14[0x02000009], Method: System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection \u19(\u17)[0x06000081], ILOffset:0x0000003e
Assembly: NineRays.Obfuscator, Type: NineRays.ILOMD.ILOMDProvider[0x02000007], Method: Void \u19(System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String, \u17)[0x0600004e], ILOffset:0x00000064

Stack trace digest:
mscorlib; 0x06003fdc; 0x00000034
mscorlib; 0x06003fbf; 0x00000003
NineRays.Obfuscator; 0x06000081; 0x0000003e
NineRays.Obfuscator; 0x0600004e; 0x00000064

---- Finish running AfterAssemblyGenerate event ----

Again, not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Best regards,