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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

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FlyGrid accessibility defect
Link Posted: 21-Oct-2013 02:48
I'm using FlyGrid.Net , think it version v1.5.6.0
I'm running accessibility test on my application and came out with a defect.
When using Jaws (Screen Reader) and the FlyGrid has a node that has a checkbox in it (Checked = enabled) , the screen reader not recognize this node as a checkbox and doesn’t read the "…checkbox, press space to actived.." its only reads the node text.
How can I change the accessible role so that the screen reader will recognize it as a checkbox node or just a simple checkbox.
Link Posted: 22-Oct-2013 02:24
Probably you've used BooleanColumn to show checked/unchecked state, but if you'll use HierarchyColumn/TreeViewColumn and examined node with Node.State = Checked will return AccessibleStates.Checked in AccesibleObject provided.
Could you provide some source code to see details of your code?
Link Posted: 22-Oct-2013 03:12
I just checked I'm using TreeViewColumn .
I sent you in private the intial grid code
Link Posted: 22-Oct-2013 06:03
Thanks for the code,
Could you test your FlyGrid by the simple code and examine returned AccessibleObject:
AccessibleObject ao = flyGrid1.AccessibleObject;
if (ao != null)
  string aoName = typeof(ao).ToString();//to determine what exactly accessible object type is returned;
  AccessibleRole aoRole = ao.Role;
  AccessibleStates aoStates = ao.State; //to determine the current state of returned object
  Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Returned AO: {0}, AO.Role: {1}, AO.State: {2}", aoName, aoRole, aoStates));

Probably you need to override the FlyGrid.CreateAccessibilityInstance method to return your own accessibility object that represent current node in checkbox role.